Twig Adventures

PCBCRT Day 23: Crescent City Magic

Thursday, July 27th, 2023, 0700-2030Tolowa Dunes to the southern end of Crescent Beach15 miles, Gain 100′, Loss 100′, elevation 90′ My tent had a lot of condensation in the morning, but I actually expected worse. I tried to mop some of it up with my pack towel but there’s only so much one of those can do. I’d ended up going to bed in this went tent at the end of the day, since I never took the time to dry it…that’s how it goes sometimes. The beach was so much nicer than the day before. The wind finally died overnight and the tide was lower. A person’s experience on these coastal routes has everything to do with the tides…low[…]

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PCBCRT Day 22: Into California and Kayaking on the Smith River

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023, 1500-1940Harris Beach State Park to Tolowa Dunes10 miles, Gain 20′, Loss 20′, elevation 10′ There was a lot to do this day. I needed to buy some things in town, namely a fuel canister, finish the OCT at the OR\CA border, then meet with a kayak guide, Carl, to get a ride across the Smith River. I’d read the tip about his services from Buck30’s blog. He and Steady had finished the OCT and continued to hike about 100 miles of the California Coast Trail. To stay on the beach and avoid a long road walk around the Smith River, they rented a kayak to ferry across. Since the next section of my hike, the Bigfoot[…]

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PCBCRT Day 21: Samuel Boardman Corridor

Tuesday, July 24th, 2023, 0630-1630Crook Point to Harris Beach State Park20 miles, Gain 3000′, Loss 2800′, elevation 150′ It was a good call to stay where I did. Not only was it a fantastic site but it set me up well for a 3 mile walk on HWY 101 first thing. There’s usually no better time than the early morning. Even still, there were a surprising number of commercial trucks going by…but it makes sense that professional drivers enjoy the light traffic in the mornings, as well. The highway at least had a pretty wide shoulder and also some passing lanes at regular intervals. Oddly, only a few vehicles gave me the courtesy of moving over into the left lane[…]

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PCBCRT Day 20: Cape Sebastian

Monday, July 24th, 2023, 1000-1800Gold Beach to Crook Point17 miles, Gain 1300′, Loss 1200′, elevation 180′ I would have kept going past Gold Beach the day before, if not for needing to mail some things at the Post Office and also check the hardware store for fuel canisters. Neither were open when I got there the day before on a Sunday. I’d been limping along with my first canister for nearly 3 weeks, using it very sparingly for the past week. I was down to my last couple of boils. I called a local outdoor store but they were out… according to the clerk, all the RV people had bought them. It used to be that such travelers only used[…]

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PCBCRT Day 19: Gold Beach

Sunday, July 23rd, 2023, 0600-2000Humbug State Park to Gold Beach23 miles, Gain 1000′, Loss 1000′, elevation 340′ I departed early, eager to get a head-start on the traffic. I had the second longest HWY 101 road walk coming up at nearly 5 miles. My timing was perfect, as it doesn’t get quieter than a Sunday morning. I had my breakfast at a day use area in Humbug State Park, happy to find flush toilets, but no sink or tap water. I’d sort of been counting on water being there, since it was listed in the guidebook. Luckily there was a pretty little stream, so I just filtered water from it. The guidebook said not to trust any surface water and[…]

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PCBCRT Day 18: Agate Hunting

Saturday, July 22nd, 2023, 0600-2000Sixes River to Humbug State Park Dry Run Creek17 miles, Gain 1500′, Loss 1500′, elevation 170′ This was one of my favorite campsites, so I was not excited about leaving just to ford a cold river right off the batt. It was still foggy and the wind blowing, though not as bad. I could see quite a difference in the river level but I was still about 3 hours before the low, so I think the water level was about +3′. The current was ripping at the outflow onto the beach, the swiftest I’d seen of any water crossing on the coast yet. I went for it anyway and the water only came up to my[…]

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PCBCRT Day 17: Stopped by the Sixes

Friday, July 21st, 2023, 0600-1700Bandon to Sixes River21 miles, Gain 1000′, Loss 1000′, elevation 210′ I slept mostly undisturbed in my somewhat questionable campsite. I was finally woken by an animal, quite abruptly in the middle of the night. It made a sound like the combination of a scream and cough, repeated multiple times. Thanks to my thru-hike on Catalina Island, I knew that it was probably a fox…I’d been barked at by the miniature foxes there. This time, I wasn’t sure if the barking was directed at me or something else. Normally I would dismiss foxes as rather harmless, but I’d read an account from another backpacker whose tent was attacked by a rabid fox in Arizona. Thankfully the[…]

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PCBCRT Day 16: Cape Arago and Bandon

Thursday, July 20th, 2023, 0500-1950Cape Arago, Sunset Bay SP to Bandon25 miles, Gain 1000′, Loss 1000′, elevation 85′ For some reason, I was wide awake around 4 am, so I just started packing and was walking the trail in the dark. It was nice and quickly I was at the campground. I was surprised to see several Oregon Coast markers at the trailhead. I hadn’t been relying on them much during the whole hike, which was a good thing, since they were pretty spotty in places and then here, not even marking the actual route. I used the bathroom and saw a warning sign about there not being hot water, so I was glad I hadn’t stayed at the hiker[…]

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PCBCRT Day 15: The not so Gem of the Oregon Coast

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023, 0610-1920Bluebill Lake to Cape Arago, Sunset Bay SP10.5 miles, (plus 7 mile bus ride), Gain 500′, Loss 300′, elevation 260 I loved my little hole of a campsite by the lake. It was dead quiet once the ATVs went to bed and my tent was completely dry in the morning. The mossies did start to swarm me as I packed, then followed me down the trail a ways. They were the most aggressive I’d seen them yet. I was basically camped next to a giant swamp, so I was surprised they weren’t much worse. I reflected on how little animals had bothered me at night on this entire trip. I hadn’t heard anything walk by my[…]

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PCBCRT Day 14: Tsunami Dreams

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023, 0720-1730Umpqua River outlet\ North jetty to Bluebill Lake19 miles, Gain 50′, Loss 50′, elevation 40 Sometime in the middle of the night, I was woken by a siren from across the river. I was instantly awake and terrified, assuming it was a tsunami warning. I’d read that when the ‘big one’ hits, it could take as little as 15 minutes for the subsequent tsunami to reach the shore. I tried to think of what to do with my half-asleep brain and all I came up with was just to keep laying there. I hadn’t felt an earthquake, so this made me less afraid. I’d actually thought about it the day before, realizing I was in the[…]

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