Twig Adventures

BMT & FHT Summary & Stats

Both these trails were relatively short, hence this short(er) post. Some thoughts and findings from the BMT: First, thanks to all the volunteers that make this trail happen! Yes there are blowdowns and overgrowth, because all that stuff happens daily, especially in the summer! Trail maintenance is a constant thing and I saw how dedicated the volunteers were in trying to keep up with it. Thank you! Anyone looking for solitude and that remote wilderness feel will find it on the BMT. I saw only 7 BMT thru and section hikers in 2 weeks. Some of the climbs and descents were brutal but there were also a lot of cruisy sections, especially parts following old road beds along the ridges[…]

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AT Trail Days 2024

Wednesday- Sunday, May 15-19th It was a wild week at AT Trail Days in Damascus VA. I embraced it all, from camping in the woods in Tent City, to the commercial hype from all the vendors, to joining in the AT class parade through town, to dancing in the rain and mud around the bonfire to the beat of drums. I’ve never been to a rave and this may be as close to one as I get. I wanted to complete my Triple Crown of Trail Days, coordinating the timing of my Benton MacKaye Trail hike to end just beforehand, and a Foothills Trail hike directly after. In this way, I killed a whole bunch of bears with one stone.[…]

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BMT Day 14: An Early Finish

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, 0730-1230Laurel Gap Shelter to Baxter Creek Trailhead, Northern BMT Terminus, mm 289.712 miles (plus another 4 mile road walk to get back to my car at Standing Bear Hostel), Gain: 1100′, Loss: 4840′, elevation 1710′ BMT Done! (save for the 16 mile section I have to go back to finish someday). Unfortunately it was a not-so-rewarding final 12 miles view-wise, but I did have a fabulous morning waking to the bird song surrounding the shelter. I slept so good that the songs were the one and only thing that woke me. Well, I did have a little mouse visitor sometime in the night, but my food was hung on the bear cable and there was nothing[…]

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BMT Day 13: Finally a Quiet and Dry Shelter!

Monday, May 13th, 2024, 0700-1730Newton Bald 52 to Laurel Gap Shelter, mm 277.725 miles, Gain: 6980′, Loss: 6490′, elevation 5440′ It was cloudy when I woke and I could tell the rain was coming early. But at least my tent was bone dry and would hopefully stay that way, if I could just make it to the shelter. The morning got off to a surprising and unsettling start. In the pre-dawn darkness, I went to retrieve my food bag from the bear cables. I had to go past the hammockers, so I was trying to be extra quiet. Just as I came abreast of them, out of the corner of my eye, I caught the motion of a large animal[…]

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BMT Day 12: Making Use of Good Weather

Sunday, May 12th, 2024, 0620-1920Chambers creek to Newton Bald 52, mm 253.132.5 miles, Gain: 7550′, Loss: 4250′, elevation 4950′ I woke to a clear morning for once in a long while. It was actually one of the driest and clearest days the whole trip, but still my tent was soaked with condensation, not surprisingly. About 5 miles into the beginning of this long day, I walked through the quarter mile ‘tunnel to nowhere’. It was was pretty creepy, with lots of dystopian-looking graffiti. This struck me as odd, being so far away from a city. In the middle of the tunnel, I couldn’t see my feet or the tread, so I was worried about stepping on a snake (or giant[…]

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BMT Day 11: Smoky Beaches

Saturday, May 11th, 2024, 0650-1810Fontana Hilton to Chambers Creek 98, mm 222.626.7 miles, Gain: 4340′, Loss: 4420′, elevation 1745′ It was a big mistake pitching my tent so near the bathroom. Between the noise of people coming and going and the horrendous stench much of the night, I didn’t sleep very well. Yet I also heard the dogs barking intermittently down at the shelter, so I was glad I didn’t stay there either. I guess all options were bad. I should have just kept hiking a ways into the Smokies, permits be damned. Not surprisingly, I got packed quickly and was the first hiker out of there. So long AT comrades…in 2 days I’d gotten my fill of them (yet I[…]

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BMT Days 9 & 10: Bust & Bail, Then Back on Trail

Thursday, May 9th, 2024, 0700-1830Hitch to Robinsville 6 mile road walk on the Cherohala Skyway The weather forecasters weren’t kidding when they posted multiple warnings for the night: severe thunderstorms, flooding and a tornado watch. Check, check and check. The thunderstorms hit just before midnight and lasted through dawn. There were multiple confirmed tornadoes that touched down in Tennessee, west of where I was. Rainfall was reported to be 5 to 9 inches throughout the area. The good news was that my miraculous site next to the skyway bridge proved to be a winner. Only a few of the strongest gusts of wind reached me, as opposed to if I’d camped on the bald, where I probably would have gotten[…]

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BMT Day 8: Past Halfway

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, 0700-1950Sandy Gap to North River rd, mm 16627 miles, Gain: 6850′, Loss: 5130′, elevation 4275′ This was another day I went the whole day without seeing any people. Who knew there were still such isolated parts on the east coast? Travel a day on the BMT and you will experience some remoteness and isolation, I can almost guarantee it. It sprinkled just a little overnight but my tent was dry in the morning. After hiking just a mile further to another campsite, I was glad I didn’t push on the day before. The site was immersed in fog and dripping wet. The fog persisted through the morning and the trail became somewhat of a car wash.[…]

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BMT Day 7: BMT Trail Magic…a rare treat

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, 0715-1830Loss creek camp to Sandy Gap, mm 140.521 miles, Gain: 5010′, Loss: 3360′, elevation 2600′ I had a great sleep next to the creek and my tent was mostly dry in the morning…no rain overnight! I left my camp shoes on to ford the creek, then changed into my trail shoes. The remaining trail along the river was much easier than the day before. There was one small climb with a nice view of the canyon then back to the river for a final spell and a large creek crossing, but this time with a bridge. I almost ate it on the bridge though, since the wet wood was very slick. My trekking poles saved me,[…]

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BMT Day 6: Reliance

Monday, May 6th, 2024, 0715-2030No name site to Loss Creek camp, mm 121.618 miles, Gain: 3600′, Loss: 3300′, elevation 920′ It rained a little overnight again, which was no big deal. I hit the trail and made it 4 easy miles along some old road beds following a ridge. I missed the trail at a junction, but was rewarded with a short dirt road walk that probably actually saved me some time. I descended into the Lost Creek valley, where the heavens opened up again, letting out some torrential downpours. I began a pleasant and flat 3 mile trail along Big Lost Creek…that is it might have been pleasant if it wasn’t hammering rain and the lightning wasn’t crashing all[…]

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