Twig Adventures

SOBO Day 16: March to Anaconda

July 10th, 2019 Mm 406.3 to Anaconda, mm 28 of Anaconda route. Distance in miles: 30 0615-1600 We are doing the Anaconda cutoff, which is basically a route that shaves a huge dogleg of the CDT around Butte. Nearly every CDT hiker that I know is doing the same. I had wanted to do the longer, official CDT route but I also wanted to see our traveling Trail Angel friend Solo. I last saw her in Silver City. She lives in her van and has been posted up around Anaconda doing trail magic for a few weeks. I also just want to get to Colorado before it’s too late in the season, so dropping about 100 miles of road and[…]

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SOBO Day 15: So So

July 9th, 2019 Mm 377 to mm 406.3 Distance in miles: 29.3 0615-1900 Today was just so-so and not a lot to describe. I had a great night listening to the pitter patter of rain on my tent for hours. It tailed off as it was getting light but started drizzling again just as I was packing up. My stuff inside stayed dry but the tent was a sodden mess. We scampered down from our stealth spot and road walked some more. We immediately turned on the wrong junction and walked a quarter of a mile off trail. Back-up and try this again. Just as we came to single-track and our first climb, it started to rain more steadily, especially[…]

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SOBO Day 14: Enchanted Forests

July 8th, 2019 MacDonald Pass mm 361 to mm 377 Distance in miles: 16 1300-1900 Omelets are on order once again in the morning, courtesy or Relentless. He also makes french press coffee. I need to get out of town, I am becoming so spoiled. Georgia doesn’t have to go to work until later in the morning so she graciously drives us to the grocery and then to the outdoor gear store. It’s a nice store, filled with fun stuff. We see some other thru-hikers there and Relentless is able to exchange his darn tough socks. Mine have yet to get a hole after 800 some miles, pretty good! Georgia has to leave for work afterwards (she is a magistrate[…]

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SOBO Day 13: I Love Helena

July 7th, 2019 Mm 339 to MacDonald Pass mm 361 Distance in miles: 22 0600-1430 Our cow pasture was great, one of my best nights of sleep. The cow alarm goes off early though, and I am awake by 4:30 am. An early start towards town isn’t a bad thing. Except that we immediately miss an alternate route that would have shaved at least an hour. I’m not only looking for short cuts but since we’re road walking most of the day anyway, what difference does it make if we take the most direct road? Instead, we go on a circuitous and confusing networks of dirt roads, having to check our GPS at every intersection. At one point we are[…]

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SOBO Day 12: So Many Potatoes

July 6th, 2019 Flesher Pass Trailhead mm 306 to mm 339 Distance in miles: 33 0600-2000 I don’t mean Idaho potatoes, but Montana ones. There is a term in the hiking community: PUD’s…pointless ups and downs, which is kind of negative. Most hikers like to go to the top of a mountain but thru-hikers get grumpy when they have to do it over and over again all day. We like long, graded traverses that go through mountains, a lot like you find on the PCT. We are a spoiled bunch. So instead of complaining of PUD’s today, we started talking of potatoes. Relentless thinks that these rolling mountains of central Montana look like russet potatoes from afar. And we climbed[…]

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SOBO Day 11: Easy Day

July 5th, 2019 Rogers Pass, HWY to Lincoln, mm 292.2 to Flesher Pass Trailhead mm 306 Distance in miles: 14 1300-1800 I slept good all night, only waking once to go to the bathroom. There were no more fireworks but I could still hear people shouting in the distance. I slept in until 6 am and then got cracking on chores. There was no laundry I could find anywhere so I did some in the sink. Seven days of stink and counting for most of my clothes, oh well. Since the town was so booked up and we couldn’t get much done, we had decided to leave by noon. Helena was only another 2.5 days away, where we could hopefully[…]

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SOBO Day 10: Fireworks

July 4th, 2019 Dearborn River mm 263.4 to Rogers Pass, HWY to Lincoln, mm 292.2 Distance in miles: 28.7 0550-1800 Happy red, white, and blue! A year ago I was flying into Seattle, WA, watching the fireworks above from the airplane and getting ready to start the PCT. This year I’m nearly 300 miles into the CDT, never mind my NM section hike, and listening to booms all night in Lincoln, MT. We had to earn our town stop today. It was once again a long distance but also a ton of steep climbs. We reached the part of the trail that begins to favor the actual divide. Ridge-walking is awesome and beautiful but it comes at a price. Today[…]

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SOBO Day 9: Soggy then Sunny

July 3rd, 2019 Benchmark mm 234.2 to Dearborn River mm 263.4 Distance in miles: 29.5 0630-1800 It was a tough day of some more hard rain but finished in bright sunshine. The weather is crazy here. Overnight I slept so hard, only waking once or twice to fret about all the rain. I sweated inside my quilt and wake up feeling cold and clammy, thinking I am somehow getting wet. But no, my tent is mostly dry. It’s so dark, it’s hard to tell. I pass out again until morning. As usual, everything is damp from condensation. It’s hard to get moving but at least the rain has stopped in the morning. We start out together and for a brief[…]

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SOBO Day 8: Walls & Benchmark

July 2nd, 2019 My Lake mm 206.4 to Benchmark mm 234.2 Distance in miles: 31 0640-2000 No one is moving early in the morning but me. My companions usually wake to the sounds I make packing but no one stirs. We had a hard day the day before and we are all very tired still. I just work quietly on my blog and listen to Relentless snore. I really don’t mind their sounds. We have circled the wagons again, so to speak, pitching our camo cuben fiber shelters in a circle. We did this the night before too and I find the odd combination funny. We have Salty’s ultralight tarp, my single tent, and Relentless’s double tent…all matching, what were[…]

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SOBO Day 7: Climbing up passes becomes a new sport

July 1st, 2019 Strawberry Creek mm 158.7 to My Lake mm 206.4 Distance in miles: 31.5 0610-1930 Oh what a day, way better than the previous day. Light came early on the little island where we were camping and soon we were on the march again. I am much slower at getting ready in the morning, even though I am always the first to wake up, so I was lagging behind. We ran into a NOBO, Tic Tac, early on. Then a couple that were camped near a ranger station. We signed the registry there, the first I had seen since going south. There were heaps of people signed in just 2 days ahead of us…like 19. A bubble as[…]

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