Twig Adventures

AT Day 79: Gollum vs Smeagol

Monday Oct 11th 2021, 0610-1830 Dismal Falls to Jenkins Shelter, SOBO AT mm 1612.632 miles6375 gain, 6215 loss I packed a little faster than planned in the morning, so was ready before Mud. I’d also told him a later start time the night before, so it was my fault. Hiking with a buddy takes some adjustments to sync schedules. I wasn’t used to needing to convey my plans. I started walking slowly and was surprised to run into 2 hikers also walking in the dark. They were All There and Mr Bojangles, up early to go to a nearby store for breakfast. It’s nice to be seeing other hikers that are walking the same crazy hours and miles that I am. I[…]

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AT Day 78: Dismal Falls

Sunday Oct 10th 2021, 1300-1830 Woods Hole Hostel to Dismal Falls, SOBO AT mm 1581.112.1 miles1600 gain, 2525 loss Mud Lantern was waiting on another hiker to bring him a new headlamp from Pearisburg, so I relented to another leisurely morning eating a big breakfast and drinking lots of quality coffee. The spread this morning was peach crumble, eggs, grits, fruit salad, and more of that amazing sourdough bread. Even though I ate a hearty dose or 2 of all this, I was hungry again by noon. The sun came out after some lingering fog, so I went around taking pictures. I also fed the goats the scraps from breakfast. I stretched and foam rolled on the porch in the sun while[…]

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AT Day 77: The Gathering

Saturday Oct 9th 2021Zero Day (3rd one) A friend asked me a week before if I was going to the Appalachian Long Distance Hiking Association (ALDHA) Gathering. It was being held in Abingdon Virginia near Damascus. I knew I’d probably be within driving distance, so I reasoned that if the weather wasn’t great and I could find a ride, I’d try to make it for a day. Well, turns out it was another rainy morning and Neville of Woods Hole was giving a presentation on running an AT hostel as part of the speaker series for the event. She offered a ride to any hikers that wanted to go. So I guess it was meant to be. First was the[…]

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AT Day 76: Woods Hole Hostel

Friday Oct 8th 2021, 1030-1430 VA Rt 100– Pearisburg to Woods Hole Hostel,  SOBO AT mm 1567.6 12.1 miles3400 gain, 1900 loss My plan since Lexington was to skip Pearisburg and head straight to Woods Hole hostel, where I’d shipped a box of extra food and my dearly-needed migraine medication. But since I’d smashed so many miles in the past few days, spending a night in the cool hostel in Pearisburg was an extra reward AND had also lessened the distance I needed to walk to Woods Hole. So I was in no hurry in the morning…which was good, since once again it was raining. Twig and I had a nice breakfast together and then he went to work at one[…]

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AT Day 75: Twig of Pearisburg

Thursday Oct 7th 2021, 0650-1830 War Spur Shelter to VA Rt 100– Pearisburg,  SOBO AT mm 1556.132.4 miles6150 gain, 6900 loss I slept perfectly through the night and woke to the sound of steady rain. It’s really hard to leave a warm, dry shelter for the rain and darkness, so I waited a little later to depart. All There was the first to leave around 6:30 am, so I hoped he’d scare away the coyotes. It was still too dark to see without a headlamp until 10 minutes after 7 am. What a dreary day. Thank goodness for the shelters on days like this. Rain for a week(s) on the AT is nothing new, and the shelter makers must have known[…]

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AT Day 74: VA Blues Can’t Catch Me

Wednesday Oct 6th 2021, 0610-1910 Four Pines Hostel to War Spur Shelter,  SOBO AT mm 1523.733.5 miles7000 gain, 6440 loss I was out the door of the hostel early and walking up to the Dragon’s Tooth in the dark. The fog was very thick and so my headlamp was nearly useless. As anyone that’s driven in fog knows, light beams reflect and scatter. There were some slippery rock slab cliffs to negotiate along the trail. There were decent holds and ledges but long drops into the dark abyss awaited a misstep. I felt like one of those early morning mountaineers making a summit bid, except that it was 70 degrees and I was already drenched in sweat. I caught up to[…]

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AT Day 73: McAfee Knob

Tuesday Oct 5th 2021, 0800-1820Daleville to Four Pines Hostel, SOBO AT mm 1488.626.2 miles5900 gain, 5200 loss I didn’t get as early of a start as I would have liked but I did get most of my chores done. I watched some morning news while I foam rolled…that was enough to get me going, just to escape all the bad news. Crossing a highway with the rush hour traffic was perilous. After that, the trail went up to the ridgelines and things were pretty peaceful. The fog was thick, so I couldn’t see down below but could hear lots of traffic noise and even a construction site. Sound seems to carry well in the fog. Or maybe I just notice[…]

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AT Day 72: Blue Ridge Bliss & Lettuce Club

Monday Oct 4th 2021, 0625-1610 Cove Mountain Shelter to Daleville, SOBO AT mm 1462.825 miles4700 gain, 5300 loss I slept amazingly well in the shelter. Something about the knowing I’d stay dry no matter what made me feel that much more relaxed. I woke to partly cloudy skies and an improved weather forecast for the day. I was excited to walk. Several miles passed as the light grew. I love such transitions. Then I found a tree full of chicken of the woods mushrooms. I was 95 percent sure these were the same I had seen at Open’s house. He’d collected them recently but unfortunately I didn’t stick around long enough to try them. Tasha showed me how to identify[…]

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AT Day 71: Campstore Magic

Sunday Oct 3rd 2021, 0615-1910 James River to Cove Mountain Shelter, SOBO AT mm 1437.830.8 miles7800 gain, 6400 loss Despite some traffic noise and an early morning train, I slept very well. A great horned owl and an eastern screech owl provided a nice alarm clock in the morning. I passed a bunch of tents and hammocks in the dark as I set out along Matts Creek. The nearby shelter was empty, which was a surprise given the amount of people camping nearby. The trail began an 11 mile ascent of Apple Orchard Mountain from this point. There were a few little dips in-between but most was up up up. It took me almost all morning to get up this[…]

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AT Day 70: James River

Saturday Oct 2nd 2021, 1200-1910 Rt 60 to James River, SOBO AT mm 140723.1 miles4620 gain, 6000 loss Open had suggested I take a zero to attend a concert he was working Saturday night. This sounded fun but I woke feeling the pull of the trail. The weather was supposed to be nice for 2 more days, then rain much of the next week. I just couldn’t waste a good weather day. Plus, I just like being on trail. Tasha let me borrow her computer in the morning, so I was able to get a lot of blog work done. I worked from 0500 until 0830 am. Yes, this blog takes a lot of effort. I ate some bars for[…]

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