AT Day 75: Twig of Pearisburg
Thursday Oct 7th 2021, 0650-1830 War Spur Shelter to VA Rt 100– Pearisburg, SOBO AT mm 1556.132.4 miles6150 gain, 6900 loss I slept perfectly through the night and woke to the sound of steady rain. It’s really hard to leave a warm, dry shelter for the rain and darkness, so I waited a little later to depart. All There was the first to leave around 6:30 am, so I hoped he’d scare away the coyotes. It was still too dark to see without a headlamp until 10 minutes after 7 am. What a dreary day. Thank goodness for the shelters on days like this. Rain for a week(s) on the AT is nothing new, and the shelter makers must have known[…]
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