Twig Adventures

GET Day 0: Phoenix

I usually include a short synopsis about the pre-planning and travel stages before a hike. I won’t go into too many details for this one, though. Suffice it to say, there was a fair bit of planning, given the nature of this rough route. A lot of looking over maps, notes, and blogs, as well as making sure all that info was loaded into my new phone. I just switched phones less than 2 weeks before departing, which left me still trying to figure out the myriad of small details. I also switched from At&T to a Verizon network carrier (US Mobile), so I was hoping to enjoy better service on the trail. My backpacking gear remained much the same[…]

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Introducing the Grand Enchantment Trail 2021

The Grand Enchantment Trail (GET) is a roughly 800 mile wilderness tramping route across the Southwest U.S., connecting mountains, deserts, canyons, and cultural/historic places of interest. Beginning in the Sonoran desert near Phoenix Arizona, the route meanders eastward, crossing unique and diverse Sky Island mountain ranges, the Gila watersheds, the pine-studded Continental Divide, and the southernmost Rocky Mountains, where it descends dramatically to the outskirts of Albuquerque New Mexico at its terminus. The route incorporates about 70 miles of the AZT and 45 miles of the CDT. (Description by Brett Tucker) The GET was conceived of almost entirely by one man, Brett Tucker, AKA Blisterfree.  He has spent countless hours researching the best trails and routes to piece together, carefully[…]

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LT Day 17: Mount Greylock

Fri Oct 9th, 2020, 0700-1100Pete’s Spring, MA to Mt Greylock, MA8.5 miles, 3600 gain, 1500 loss We were scheduled to meet our ride at the top of Mount Greylock around noon. Given the short distance, there was no need to be on the trail before dawn. It was nice to set out in the light of day and we still managed to catch the sunrise over the Hoosic River. We came out of the mountains to travel along nearly empty suburban streets between the city centers of North Adams and Williamstown. After a mile, we were back in the woods and climbing towards the top. We went up quickly, stopping at several overlooks at Prospect Ledge and Mt. Williams. We[…]

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LT Day 16: Harmon Hill & the LT Finish

Thu Oct 8th, 2020, 1010-1730Bennington / Rt 9 to Pete’s Spring, MA16.7 miles, 3950 gain,  3950 loss It was time to finish the LT, but with less than 15 miles to go, there was no rush. We planned to hike to the top of Mt Greylock the following day, so we’d camp overnight just past the VT/MA border. A big breakfast was the order of the morning, provided by a lovely local diner. My hiker hunger had started to hit, so I put down 3 eggs, toast, bacon and slices of tomato with ease.  The diner was packed with linesmen, getting ready for a big day restoring and inspecting all the power lines. I pondered how inconsequential electricity was to[…]

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LT Day 15: Stormy Bennington

Wed Oct 7th, 2020, 0605-1430Black Brook to Rt 9 / Bennington VT, SOBO LT mile 256.421.5 miles, then about 3 miles walking around town, 4500 gain, 5400 loss The barred owl sounded the alarm clock at 5 am. It’s 2 single hoots were the very loud and forceful kind. I knew many of their varied calls, but they seemed to have different dialects around the country. About a week before, I heard a really weird noise that finished with a few familiar notes. I bet many of the crazy noises that hikers report are attributable to such owls. We had some miles to make into town, preferably before it started to rain. A front was coming in. The day started off[…]

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LT Day 14: The Biggest Day

Tue Oct 6th, 2020, 0600-1700Peru Peak Shelter to Black Brook, SOBO LT mile 23528.5 miles, 6150 gain,  6500 loss This day proved that big miles were still possible, at least on the AT. We wanted to hike 26 miles so that we’d be able to reach a town for resupply the next. It was also supposed to rain the next day, so it was better to get more of the miles done on a nice day. We met our goal plus some! As always, the early bird gets the miles. I knew this game plan worked and another benefit was that I had the trail all to myself for a few hours. The day started with a climb to Styles[…]

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LT Day 13: Rock Gardens

Mon Oct 5th, 2020, 0615-1630Clarendon Shelter to Peru Peak Shelter, SOBO LT mile 206.523.8 miles, 6300 gain, 5000 loss There was a breeze overnight, causing leaves to rain down on my tent, which I mistook as real rain. I was tuned into waking up when it starts to rain, so that I could put my tent flaps down. Hence, I woke up quite a few times for nothing. I also had weird dreams about animals grabbing me in my sleep. I guess my senses were elevated because of local stories. A bear had been grabbing food at this shelter in the past, but Firewood reported that the bear had been shot at the beginning of the hunting season. So there[…]

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LT Day 12: Killington & Firewood Angel

Sun Oct 4th, 2020, 0850-1630RT 4 / Inn at Long Trail to Clarendon Shelter, SOBO LT mile 182.815.6 miles, 3450 gain,  4350 loss I was super excited to wake up for breakfast in the morning. It was a real breakfast: an omelet with potatoes, toast, juice and coffee. The hall was filled with LT and AT hikers. There were at least 10 of us, including Doug and Steve, a son and father duo we met a few days before. Their mom/wife picked them up from Middlebury gap during the rain so they could stay at the Inn. Incidentally, the Inn’s 2 dinning rooms incorporated large rocks in situ, which was pretty cool to see how the rooms were built around[…]

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LT Day 11: Meeting the Appalachian Trail

Sat Oct 3rd, 2020, 0550-1200David Logan Shelter to RT 4 / Inn at Long Trail, SOBO LT mile 16613 miles, 2900 gain,  3600 loss Rain drops on a metal roof made for a very pleasant sleep. But the dying fire also made for a smokey cabin. The early morning brought a thick fog and gear that reeked of smoke. Ah, The Great Outdoors. I could barely find the nearby privy in the dark, my headlamp beam was so distorted by the fog. Finding the side trail from the hut to the main trail was another adventure, then it was a game just trying to stay on the trail. We could’ve made it easy on ourselves by just sleeping in a[…]

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LT Day 10: Wilderness

Fri Oct 2nd, 2020, 0550-1500Boyce Shelter to David Logan Shelter, SOBO LT mile 15320.7 miles, 5600 gain,  5900 loss It rained lightly on and off during the night, but at least my tent was dry in the morning. I finished packing just as it started to sprinkle again. The forecast called for a 60% chance of showers between 10 am and 1 pm. This translated into a steady drizzle with occasional heavier rain from 6 am until bedtime. Hence the reason I didn’t have many pictures to add to this post. Everyone woke early and we were on the trail well before dawn. The drizzle and reflection off the wet ground disrupted my headlamp beam, making it hard to find[…]

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