Twig Adventures

GET Days 10 – 11: Cottonwood Peak & The Purple C Ranch

Saturday & Sunday Mar 27-28th 2021Kane Spring to Klondyke Road, mm 17216 miles I’m combining 2 days, one of which was a zero. Day 10: we covered as much ground in half a day as in a full day the day prior. But the going was still not easy, at least not the first 5 miles. The trail went up up up and we lost it at the switchbacks numerous times. I didn’t see any footprints on this trail, #66. We saw quite a few older footprints the day before, which we could only assume were some other GET hikers that were 1-2 weeks ahead of us. But then we didn’t see any more footprints since before the cross country[…]

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GET Day 9: Santa Teresas

Friday Mar 26th, 2021, 0615-1700Stock pond to Kane Spring, mm 17216 miles This day held an incredible amount of stuff packed into relatively few miles. We finished the dirt road walk after less than a mile and were on a series of trails as well as 3 miles of cross country orienteering the rest of the day. We began with route finding up a canyon along a very faint trail. It crossed a creek quite a few times where it was easy to lose among the rocks. But we made pretty short work of it with our keen searching. At a saddle and stock pond, we picked up a much better trail into Holdout Canyon. The trail was so lovely[…]

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GET Day 8: Klondyke

Thursday Mar 25th, 2021, 0615-1920North Bypass Cement tank to stock pond off mm 8.3 of section 8, mm 15624.5 miles Just as I predicted, everything was super wet in the morning….my first time packing a wet tent this hike. But my site selection was still pretty good. I shortly found frost in the open field. At least being under the tree seemed to keep the temperature higher. I was a bit cold in the early morning, but not so cold that I couldn’t sleep. I set out first and was immediately confronted by a maze of fences. Just like a cow, I was funneled into a corral, wondering around trying to figure a way out. I climbed over several gates[…]

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GET Day 7: The Galiuros

Wednesday Mar 24rd, 2021, 1045-1800Aravaipa Canyon Ranger Station West Entrance to North Bypass Alternate to cement tank East Branch Horse Camp Canyon.17 miles We were hoping that due to the inclement weather, there might be some last minute cancellations for Aravaipa permits the night before. No such luck. Permit fees are nonrefundable less than a few days in advance, so it seems that nobody bothers to go online to cancel their permits, they just don’t show up. In a last ditch effort, we decided to take Violet up on her offer to drive us to the ranger station, to see if we could talk to a live person the day of. It was still very cloudy in the morning and[…]

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GET Day 6: Angels Day

Tuesday Mar 23rd, 2021, 0610-1730Old Florence Road crossing to HWY 77, mm 12324 miles In the middle of nowhere, we still had a pretty eventful day. First up was a pass by some neat boulder outcroppings. Our notes informed us that these are similar in composition to the ones found on the south side of Mt Lemmon in the Santa Catalinas, more than 70 miles to the south. So how did they get here? Life’s mysteries. We took a break to clamber over some of them, making silly shadow puppets with the rising sun. Next we came to Freeman Road, where notorious Trail Angel Sequoia was set up in his RV. He’d been doing trail magic for spring AZT hikers[…]

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GET Day 5: The Big Hill

Monday Mar 22nd, 2021, 0630-1730Gila River to Old Florence Road crossing, mm 9927 miles The morning was pretty chilly, so I was glad to be hiking the winding but easy trail built above the valley. It did a lot of seemingly silly ups and downs, but this helped warm cold, sore muscles in the morning. It was still another 6 miles to the bridge over the river. Last time, I avoided some of the meandering trail by just walking the railroad tracks along the river. This was probably cheating and I would have felt lame doing it a second time. Plus the views up high were nice, except for the open pit copper mines that were really prevalent in this[…]

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GET Day 4: White Canyon & the Gila

Sunday Mar 21st, 2021, 0700-1800 Picketpost trailhead to Gila River, mm 72 24 miles MJ was up at 5 am getting coffee and omelets made for several of us hikers. Then she had us to the trailhead by 7 am. She really is amazing. After more reluctant goodbyes, we began the winding trail in the cool of the morning…a far cry from my afternoon start in 2019. The tall mass of Picketpost provided shade well into the morning, making for an easy climb into the canyon. This stretch headed into the White Canyon Wilderness area, which gave the Superstitions a run for their money in terms of scenery. This was one of my favorite stretches on the AZT. We had[…]

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GET Day 3: Picketpost & The Purple Angel of Superior

Saturday Mar 20th, 2021, 0630-1220Montana Mountain to Picketpost trailhead, then ride to Superior, mm 4816 miles I was excited for this day, as it was to be a reunion with one of my favorite Trail Angels, MJ, the maternal saint of Superior. I stayed with her in 2019, later appearing in a picture I took with her that made the final cut in the documentary Through The Great Southwest. This was a film produced by Darwin, a popular youtuber and thru-hiker, in support of the Arizona Trail Association. My friends and trail angels Anthony and Fiona, all the way from New Zealand, contacted me to say they had seen me in it…which was a surprise, since I didn’t know and[…]

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GET Day 2: Montana Mountain

Friday Mar 19th, 2021, 0615-1900 La Barge spring to Montana Mountain mm 33 23 miles We got an early start to enjoy the cool morning hours of hiking. It was a bit too cool, as my toes stared to go numb from the condensation on the grass. We left trail 104 Lost Dutchman for Red Tanks Canyon trail. The going got a bit rougher as we headed up a steep, narrow canyon clogged with vegetation and boulders. We really had to look for the cairns and got off track a bit as the scant trail climbed high above the wash. Thorny plants grabbed at our legs and arms. This trail was not equestrian-ready but it sure was beautiful! We came[…]

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GET Day 1: Weavers Needle

Thu Mar 18th, 2021, 1230-1800First Water Trailhead, Superstition Mountains (Tonto National Forest) mile 0 to La Barge spring mm 1010 miles A half day of hiking was on order after a late and stressful night. We were all so sad for Laurel’s loss of her beloved horse Ceniso.  I took adorable Tumas the dog for a walk and checked on Rusty the horse early in the morning. He was still pacing and calling for his stablemate…poor guy. We had breakfast and did some last minute checks of gear. By 11 am, everyone was in sync and ready for a car ride. The drive through the Tonto National Forest was very scenic. We could see where the big fires of 2020[…]

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