PNT Day 48: The Way Cool Barn
Wednesday, August 17th, 2022, 0940-2000Lake Samish to Whitney junction HWY 20, then Mark’s Way cool barn, WEBO mm 959, Section 8 Puget Sound24 miles, Gain 2240′, Loss 2430′, elevation 7′ I had high hopes of getting back to hiking early in the morning. I was a fool. It’s not possible when trying to depart the Walkers, one of the strongest hiker vortexes on the planet. A hiker I know, Coyote, stayed for 4 days the previous year. But luring me on were a string of pearls…trail angels interspersed throughout the Puget Sound. Given the lack of free camping in this urban\suburban setting, it’s a very lucky and helpful thing. I had my sights set on the Way Cool Barn, a short[…]
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