PNT Day 9: Cowville & Northport
Saturday July 9th, 2022, 0600-1915Churchill Mine Rd to Northport, WEBO mm 400.8, Segment 4 Kettle Range22.5 miles, Gain 1790′, Loss 2670′, elevation 1355 The cows were on the mooove early in the morning, so I was woken by the moo alarm. My unwanted but constant companions. Well, when I follow cow trails to find a tent site, what do I expect? Have I mentioned that I stopped eating beef because of the environmental impact I’ve been witness to during all my hiking? Do you think the cows are aware of this and would cut me some slack? No, of course not. My spot was perfect otherwise, peaceful and dry. I was so happy to pack a dry tent and my shoes[…]
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