PNT Day 14: Ida-fly
Thursday July 14th, 2022, 0600-1900Shedroof Divide to trail 37, WEBO mm 293, Segment 3 Selkirk Mountains 29.4 miles, Gain 4380′, Loss 5160′, elevation 5330 We were both off early, anticipating a long day. I have a hard time finding others that can, or want to, keep my pace but Wolverine was game. She’s a very fast hiker and willing to get up early. We had a ways to go along the ridge and then down Jackson creek. I’d been warned by a trail maintenance volunteer that this part of the trail had lots of blowdowns, which was true, but didn’t slow us down much. It just becomes common place after awhile. In the valley, we entered a beautiful forest of old[…]
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