AT Day 31: Vermud
Tuesday August 24th, 2021, 0815-1815Prospect Rock Trail to Glastenbury Mountain, SOBO AT mm 568.821.7 miles5230 gain, 2700 loss I went to bed way too late and then woke up at 4 am, not able to get back to sleep. It was so quiet in the room, with only 2 others. What a waste of a great bed. I was anxious to get back to the trail I guess…not that it missed me. I ate a pretty huge breakfast of cereal, 3 eggs, an English muffin, blueberries, a banana, and what was left of my ice cream. How’s that for a spread? The hostel provides all these items for guests to pretty much eat whenever they please. It’s such an awesome place.[…]
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