PNT Day 55: Olympic Hot Springs…3rd times a charm
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022, 1200-1820Hurricane Ridge Visitors Center to Olympic Hot Springs, WEBO mm 1132.8, Section 9 Olympic Mountains21.3 miles (plus 1.5 town), Gain 2850′, Loss 5780′, elevation 2050′ I took it kind of easy in the morning and didn’t make it to the ranger station until 10 am. Luckily things went well and it took me only about half an hour to get the permits I needed. It was much easier doing it in person. Sometimes it’s challenging to plan for travel along the beach section, because of limited tide windows. But I got lucky with low tides around 8 to 9 am, meaning I had ideal conditions from 6 am through noon each day. I went with a[…]
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