Twig Adventures

AZT Day 2: Walking the Highlands of Arizona

October 8th, 2019Orderville Trailhead mm 27 to mm 60.1Distance in miles: 33.10545-1800 I got on the trail super early and walked by the light of my headlamp for a bit. Without Daylight Savings Time, I needed to take advantage of the daylight in the morning. Fine by me, since I usually like getting an early start. Except that this morning was very cold and I couldn’t seem to warm up as I walked. I started out wearing all my layers, including my puffy and mitts. I walked uphill in a small valley which was effectively trapping the cold air. The first rays of sun didn’t hit until 8 am and I suffered up to that point. Once they did, it[…]

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AZT Day 1: Another Start

October 7th, 2019Arizona Trail Northern Terminus mm 0 to Orderville Trailhead mm 27Distance in miles: 27 plus 1.5 walked on road to trailhead.0910-1830 I was up early to cram breakfast and coffee before trying to hitch a ride to the trailhead. Awesome omelettes were concocted using the leftover Caprese salad from the night before. I said goodbye to my wonderful trail angels and hosts and Richard dropped me off just outside of town. It was still dark and cold, so I had no luck for awhile. It’s hard to get a hitch to the middle of nowhere. After about an hour, a truck puled over. Two workers were on their way to Page and could give a ride to the[…]

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CDT to AZT Interim

October 1-6, 2019 For continuity sake, I’m providing a brief description of some of the events happening in between finishing the CDT and starting the Arizona Trail. I decided to hike the AZT so that I could say that I walked from Canada to Mexico for a second summer in a row. The timing worked out well and I didn’t have to retrace hundreds of miles of the CDT to get back to Mexico. I took 6 days off in between, spending about half that time trying to figure out how to get from Grants, NM to Kanab, Utah. Trail Angel Mac graciously invited me to stay with him for as long as I needed, so I spent 2 more[…]

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SOBO Day 98: Grants for the Finish

September 30th, 2019 The Narrows Trail, HWY 117 to Grants, NM Distance in miles: 21 1030-1720 I wake up with no clear agenda for the day. My strategy for finishing this thing is a bit amorphous. I can walk from Grants to reconnect my footsteps or I can try to hitch a ride out to the point where I left off and walk back. There are also 2 ways…a direct roadwalk on highway 117 or the Zuni-Bonita alternate through a canyon and about 7 miles of walking over lava. I had wanted to take the alternate but now I’m feeling lazy and just want to do the road walk. I could just do nothing and call it good. But I[…]

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SOBO Day 97: The Last Mountain

September 29th, 2019 Cattle trough mm 2445.4 to Grants, NM, via Mt Taylor alt. Distance in miles: 34 0610-1900 I’m going to climb Mt Taylor as an alternate today. I don’t need to climb it since it’s not the official route of the CDT but this is my second to last day, so heck yeah I’m going up. I’m treating it like Mt Katahdin on the Appalachian Trail. It’s sort of the finish line. And why not. It’s a tall and prominent mountain at 11,301′. There’s even a registry to sign. Let’s go! Except I’m reluctant to leave my perfect campsite, it’s so nice. I walk the road in the dark, not paying very close attention. Just like that, I’m[…]

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SOBO Day 96: Towards the Finish

September 28th, 2019 Mm 2410.9 to cattle trough mm 2445.4 Distance in miles: 34.5 0610-1800 What a great night and a far cry from the previous one. There’s not a sound, save for the very distant, soothing hoots of an owl. Then as I’m eating my breakfast in the dark, a buzzing invades my space. A single mosquito is trying her luck with me but gets smashed as a result. I have to laugh…a mosquito out here? Where did it come from and what has it endured? And to have come to such an end. It’s tragic. I’m on the trail in the dark again, playing the game of finding the next cairn. I keep my headlamp on its lowest[…]

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SOBO Day 95: A Trail of Rock & Sand

September 27th, 2019 Mm 2375.1 to mm 2410.9 Distance in miles: 35.7 0600-1830 Dogs bark and trucks rumble down the nearby highway all night long. I should have put my earplugs in but I sleep ok. It’s an awful campsite but I would have paid $20 to tent right next to the highway if I stayed in town at the RV park. All the hotels looked a bit run-down and with a few creepy guys sitting outside their rooms, staring at me. No, I was better off escaping into the darkness outside of town. I wake at 4 am, no longer able to ignore the dog’s incessant barking. Seriously, how can a dog enjoy barking for hours? Don’t they ever[…]

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SOBO Day 94: The San Pedros & Cuba

September 26th, 2019 Mm 2340.9 to mm 2375.1 Distance in miles: 34.2 0620-1920 I sleep very well and for the first time in a long while, wake up feeling hot. It’s so warm and also dead silent overnight. Not even the crickets are stirring when my alarm goes off. Some coyotes start up while I’m eating breakfast…they too have a thing for the sunrise. And what a sunrise it is… quintessentially New Mexico. Oranges and pinks reflect off the bluffs, pinnacles, and canyon walls. It’s delightful. Just before I cross a highway, a hiker calls out to me from his cowboy camp. It’s Paha, the guy whose footprints I’ve been following and that the artists told me about. Except he[…]

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SOBO Day 93: Desert Solitaire

September 25th, 2019 HWY 84 mm 8.9 of Ghost Ranch alt to mm 2340.9 Distance in miles: 21.2 plus 2 miles walking through town and on the highway 1245-1910 We get up early since everyone has to be out and about. Chadi takes off first, leaving us her house to lock up. Then Eden arrives to take Relentless to the airport. It’s a sad parting after all this time. I’ve never had a trail buddy for a whole trail and I can’t imagine what the CDT would’ve been like without him. The trail is so hard, being alone too might have sucked. By 7 am, I’m alone in the house and looking at bus schedules. A bus leaves Santa Fe[…]

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SOBO Day 92: Ghost Ranch Taco Tuesday & Santa Fe

September 24th, 2019 Harris Bear Spring mm 25.2 to HWY 84 mm 8.9 of Ghost Ranch alt. Distance in miles: 16.3 0610-1030 It rains a little more overnight but we wake to clear skies. Everything is wet though, and it’s so cold…the kind of cold that is amplified by the dampness. I need a layer for my hands but my crappy rain mitts are still soaked from the night before. I put them on anyways and suffer numb hands. I get such an early start that my steamy breath is obscuring my headlamp beam. I’m not enjoying this hiking in the dark cold morning but I want to get to Ghost Ranch in time for lunch…it’s all-you-can-eat, a hiker’s dream.[…]

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