GET Day 21: The Mogollons and the Future of Trails
Wednesday Apr 7th, 2021, 0700-1800Mogollon Ghost Town to Mogollon Baldy, segment 20, mm 37220 miles I joked before we went to bed that the Mogollon town folks might come alive as vampires at dusk, preying on innocent hikers that had wondered into the area. Or maybe they were simply straight up ghosts that would haunt us. An axe murderer to boot? When you’re camped in the woods next to a ghost town, these things go through your mind. But there were zero disturbances overnight and I slept very soundly. Maybe the ghouls and vampires just couldn’t find me in my camo tent. We hit the road and made 7.5 miles in just 2 hours. The road was dead quite and[…]
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