AT Day 8: Caratunk
Sunday August 1st, 2021, 0540-1430Bald Mtn Pond Lean-to to Caratunk, SOBO AT mm 151.319 miles3783 gain, 4505 loss Who knew loons called all night long? They were going crazy overnight. I mistook them for coyotes, they were so loud. Still, I didn’t mind their mystic sounds. What did bother me was an animal scraping on a nearby tree very loudly several times. I worried that it was a bear but in retrospect, realized it must have been a porcupine. There was a note about this said nuisance on the privy…close the door or the porcupine will eat the privy! Grinder was up but still packing when I hit the trail. A good-sized climb was the first order of the day.[…]
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