LT Day 15: Stormy Bennington
Wed Oct 7th, 2020, 0605-1430Black Brook to Rt 9 / Bennington VT, SOBO LT mile 256.421.5 miles, then about 3 miles walking around town, 4500 gain, 5400 loss The barred owl sounded the alarm clock at 5 am. It’s 2 single hoots were the very loud and forceful kind. I knew many of their varied calls, but they seemed to have different dialects around the country. About a week before, I heard a really weird noise that finished with a few familiar notes. I bet many of the crazy noises that hikers report are attributable to such owls. We had some miles to make into town, preferably before it started to rain. A front was coming in. The day started off[…]
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