MRT Day 15: White Volcanoes
Saturday Apr 23rd, 2022, 0600-1840Country Club & Chipmunk to just N of HWY 260 crossing, EABO mm 336, Segment 5 mm 49.33 miles. The wind died completely overnight, which was a great relief, but it was still very cold. Frost lined my tent in the morning and the thermometer read 25 degrees. My chemical hand warmers did the trick, keeping my footsies warm all night. We were camped at around 7,200′ this night, one of our higher camps yet, but would end the day at over 9000′. More cold was in store. It was a beautiful morning, with sun filtering through the forest. Logging activity had removed a lot of the trees but most areas hadn’t been clear-cut, just thinned. It[…]
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