PNT Day 7: Kettle Crest North
Thursday July 7th, 2022, 0945-1945Sherman Pass HWY 20 to rock slab camp just north of Profanity Peak, WEBO mm 451.2, Segment 4 Kettle Range23.5 miles, Gain 4950′, Loss 5285′, elevation 5100 Another night in a soft warm bed was much appreciated. But I woke eager to get back on the trail. I bid farewell to Kerrie, as she was getting ready to lead her weekly hiking group somewhere just north of where I’d be starting. There was a slim chance I might see them on trail. Just as I left the house, I got texts from 2 hikers and another from a Trail Angel. Kerrie had given the hikers my number the night before, mentioning that I too was looking for[…]
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