Twig Adventures

PNT Day 30: Ptarmigan Tunnel Bonus GNP Day

Saturday July 30th, 2022, 0700-1200Gable Creek Camp to Many Glacier via Ptarmigan Tunnel trail (then onto East Glacier for the Flop!), WEBO mm 0 alternate finish, Section 1 Rocky Mountains14 miles, Gain 2630′, Loss 2530′, elevation 4500′ I could spend all summer just hiking around Glacier, it’s so special. It really makes me wonder sometimes why I’m walking hundreds of miles on roads in the middle of nowhere, in 100 degree heat, to complete the PNT. Today was a bonus hike I’d built into my schedule, just because. I’d actually hoped to do more hiking around Glacier but it was already almost August and I still had half the PNT waiting. One day was about all I could spare. Really[…]

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PNT Day 29: Stoney Indian Pass & Chief Mountain

Friday July 29th, 2022, 0800-1720Waterton River Camp to Gable Creek Camp, WEBO mm 6, Section 1 Rocky Mountains20.8 miles, Gain 3680′, Loss 3232′, elevation 4650′ The last piece of my PNT eastbound section was ready to be hiked this day. Stoney Indian Pass had been the crux giving so many hikers fits in the early weeks. It’s a very difficult pass with snow, but now all that snow was gone. In its place were wildflowers and waterfalls. I think my visit to Glacier was the perfect timing, as I got to experience it in its full summer glory. The morning got off to a slow start. I brought all my stuff over to the lakeside ranger station and gazebo to[…]

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PNT Day 28: Boulder Pass & Waterton

Thursday July 28th, 2022, 0640-1900Upper Kintla Lake to Waterton River Camp, WEBO mm 26.8, Section 1 Rocky Mountains18.4 miles plus 6 RT bonus miles to Waterton Border Monument, Gain 3700′, Loss 3860′, elevation 4220′ It was another grandiose day that was too good to put into words. On the one hand, I love experiencing such days, and on the other, I hate writing about them. There’s just too much to say and none of what I write can do the experience justice. Even the pictures aren’t enough. We tried to get a pretty early start but having to make coffee and breakfast at the cooking area instead of from the front porch of my tent messed with my routine a[…]

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PNT Day 27: Kintla Lakes

Wednesday July 27th, 2022, 0820-1900Polebridge to Upper Kintla Lake, WEBO alt, Section 1 Rocky Mountains26.6 miles, Gain 1730′, Loss 866′, elevation 4440′ I slept very well in my own room all night. What a nice score during the peak of the season! We got away pretty early from the hostel but were sidelined by coffee at the merc. This proved to be fortuitous, as we made friends with some lady kayakers, Sarah and Jackie. We had a big day for our first in the park, but it was a lot of road walking at the beginning. Holding with our pattern of connecting our footsteps, we put in 15 extra miles on the dry and dusty road. It was by far[…]

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PNT Day 26: PNT Carwash & Polebridge

Tuesday July 26th, 2022, 0620-1200Red Meadow Lake to Polebridge, WEBO mm 56.3, Section 1 Rocky Mountains19 miles, Gain 930′, Loss 3000′, elevation 3550′ As imagined, everything was soaking wet in the morning. My hiking clothes were all still very damp from my swim, so I left camp wearing some of my dry camp clothes. This was a mistake because shortly the route left the road for a single track trail that was very overgrown, to say the least. It’s a phenomenon that I’ve recognized before: every piece of vegetation sticking out into the trail is much more noticeable when it’s wet. The weight of the water also bends the vegetation down even more. But this trail was just absolutely saturated with[…]

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PNT Day 25: Red Meadow Lake

Monday July 25th, 2022, 0620-1830WAM Lookout to Red Meadow Lake, WEBO mm 74.4, Section 1 Rocky Mountains31 miles, Gain 6030′, Loss 7500′, elevation 5550′ I managed to get some sleep despite the bugs but had a very hard time waking at 5 am. Wolverine had set her alarm and we were both happy to snooze for a bit longer. The days have already gotten shorter (plus we moved 1 hour ahead in Montana), so it was still dark at 5 am. A very urgent need for the privy got me moving and shortly after I was flying down the trail. I’d been hoping to see sunrise from the lookout but the day was overcast, so no chance. I was on a[…]

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PNT Day 24: WAM!

Sunday July 24th, 2022, 0730-1830Caribou Trail Wagon Camp to WAM Lookout, WEBO mm 104.7, Section 1 Rocky Mountains23 miles, Gain 6470′, Loss 3140′, elevation 6985′ Oh the glory of a bed! The last time I’d slept in a real bed was 18 days prior in Republic. I didn’t know how much I’d missed it. The minute I crawled in, I sunk into its coziness. Which meant it was very hard to tear myself away in the morning. We’d planned a smaller day to arrive at a fire lookout for camp, so we didn’t need to get that early of a start. Many warnings of snow and blowdowns and grizzlies and steepness had done nothing to lower our expectations of making our[…]

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PNT Days 22 & 23: Eureka!

Friday July 22nd, 2022, 0640-1300FR 7183 to Rexford, WEBO mm 141.5, Section 2 Purcell Mountains19 miles, Gain 1980′, Loss 4915′, elevation 2550′ We had a much easier day lined up, but still a lot of miles to get to town. I was eager to get food and take a shower after another long and hard section. First we had a small climb to Thirsty and then Webb mountains. There was a rental lookout on top Webb, with a very nice privy that I was aiming for (2nd day in a row with TP and hand sanitizer!). A family in a truck was just leaving as I got there…yes of course there’s a road to the top… that’s how they’re able to[…]

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PNT Day 21: It Finally Came Out!

Thursday July 21st, 2022, 0700-1900Yaak River to FR 7183, WEBO mm 160.7, Segment 2 Purcell Mountains24.4 miles, Gain 6600′, Loss 4000′, elevation 5450′ Nothing bothered us overnight, not even noise from the bridge traffic (all 2 cars). Living under bridges, or at least next to them, ain’t so bad in the Yaak valley. Even better, I was able to sneak a turn in the nearby forest service privy in the morning, coining the phrase privy pirate! Wolverine also took a turn, after my raving about it. It was a primo privy, complete with lots of TP and even wet wipes and hand sanitizer. It’s the little things. Two minutes into our walk, a black bear scooted across the road just in[…]

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PNT Day 20: The Yaak

Wednesday July 20th, 2022, 0620-2100Rock Candy Mountain to Yaak River, WEBO mm 185.4, Segment 2 Purcell Mountains26.2 miles plus 0.5 to fire tower, Gain 2400′, Loss 5725′, elevation 3000′ I had one of the best night’s sleep yet. The breeze was refreshing and it was just the right temperature. Riding along the ridge for a few miles in the morning was nice, then we dropped down into the Yaak river valley for the remainder of the day. We met 2 WEBOs who were really nice, a couple, Taffy and Matt. We chatted for a bit about the trail. There are so few other hikers, I want to talk to them all! But at some point, I may need to just say[…]

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