Twig Adventures

AT Day 38: Deli Hopping

Tuesday August 31st, 2021, 0610-1745Riga Shelter to Cesar Brook Campsite, SOBO AT mm 709.322.1 miles4616 gain, 5476 loss We got an early start but had a lot of distractions again today. Technically, New Jersey is called the deli run part of the AT, but we’ve been making a lot of small town stops since Massachusetts. It’s so hard to stay focused on hiking miles, between the weather and towns. Sunrise at the shelter was nice as anticipated, then it was all downhill to Salisbury, a tiny town with a small grocery. I bought random things like naan and guacamole for breakfast. The trail in-between the next town was nice. There was an open meadow with a gorgeous view. There was also[…]

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AT Day 37: Bear Mountain & Connecticut

Monday August 30th, 2021, 1015-1830RT 7 to Riga Shelter, SOBO AT mm 687.218 miles4524 gain, 3547 loss I slept well and had a leisurely morning in town. A trip to the PO and Subway were about all I accomplished. I got a take-away sub to serve as lunch and dinner. We got a ride to trail with a trail angel named Papa Joe. He took donations and I also bought a canister of fuel from him. He was a hoot, showing us his spreadsheet of hiker stats from 2019. He took really detailed notes for his records, getting our names and direction of travel. He was retired and just seemed to be really entertained by hikers. To start the day, we[…]

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AT Day 36: Great Barrington

Sunday August 29th, 2021, 0600-1030South Mt Wilcox Shelter to RT 7, SOBO AT mm 669.211.7 miles2195 gain, 3327 loss I slept great in the shelter. There’s nothing better than the white noise of rain striking the roof of a hut or shelter. I was visited by a few mosquitoes and a mouse, but they weren’t too much of a bother. It was nice having Yerbe Matte while watching the light grow in the morning…very cozy. There was a chill to the air so I put on my puffy. I didn’t have to worry about waking anyone too early, as Picky was also up getting ready. Starting at 6 am now means struggling to see for ten minutes or so on the[…]

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AT Day 35: Efts

Saturday August 28th, 2021, 0610-1700October Mountain Shelter to South Mt Wilcox Shelter, SOBO AT mm 657.625 miles5148 gain, 5230 loss It was stifling hot when I went to bed but I woke mid morning to find I finally needed my quilt. At 3 am, a wind started to blow, adding a chill to the air. I’d forgotten, this is what it felt like to be cool and almost even cold! Heavenly. Unfortunately the cool overcast day turned into rain by mid morning. The forecast said mostly sunny with a 30 percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms. It was quite a bit off, it seems. The rain was heavy at times but let up for the afternoon. It was a good day for[…]

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AT Day 34: Smelling Some Roses

Friday August 27th, 2021, 0615-1730Father Tom Campsite to October Mountain Shelter,  SOBO AT mm 632.720.5 miles4196 gain, 3258 loss I slept fitfully all night because it was so dang hot and humid. Even though I’d taken a final dunking in the late afternoon, I still felt sticky and gross. I never used my quilt all night. I woke to dense fog in the valley, leaving everything pretty damp. I started another day already wet with sweat. Come September, I really hoped this heat wave would subside. Picky was up so early that he left camp well before me. I knew I’d catch him again so I didn’t rush while packing. I wanted to take some departing pictures of the area.[…]

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AT Day 33: Greylock Wishes Come True

Thursday August 26th, 2021, 0600-1730Pete’s spring to Father Tom Campsite, SOBO AT mm 61216.1 miles4058 gain, 4416 loss My first objective for today was to have a big breakfast in town, a mere 2 miles away. Next was to go up Mt Greylock, the highest mountain in Massachusetts and my second time climbing it. We had added it to mark the finish of our Long Trail last year…a big finale. Today it was just another mountain to get over but I was really looking forward to it, especially the cafe on top. Picky and I both got an early start, walking before it was fully light out. It’s nice to have found someone that also walks early. In town by 0630[…]

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AT Day 32: Make it to Mass

Wednesday August 25th, 2021, 0630-1830Glastenbury Mountain to Pete’s Spring, SOBO AT mm 59627.2 miles5220 gain, 7638 loss For once, I noticed the moon overnight. It’d gone through a full cycle since I started but on this trail, I hardly ever saw it. It cast shadows through the trees when I went to pee. Out west, it can wake me up, it’s often so bright. I’ve used it to walk in the dark without a headlamp on many occasions. But that wouldn’t be an option in these dense forests and with all the mud. Tiny slugs were on everything in the morning…my stove, tent, water bottles and of course, my shoes. Yuck. I really dislike them but hey, they’re part of[…]

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AT Day 31: Vermud

Tuesday August 24th, 2021, 0815-1815Prospect Rock Trail to Glastenbury Mountain, SOBO AT mm 568.821.7 miles5230 gain, 2700 loss I went to bed way too late and then woke up at 4 am, not able to get back to sleep. It was so quiet in the room, with only 2 others. What a waste of a great bed. I was anxious to get back to the trail I guess…not that it missed me. I ate a pretty huge breakfast of cereal, 3 eggs, an English muffin, blueberries, a banana, and what was left of my ice cream. How’s that for a spread? The hostel provides all these items for guests to pretty much eat whenever they please. It’s such an awesome place.[…]

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AT Day 30: Green Mountain House

Monday August 23rd, 2021, 0630-0730Bromley Mountain Ski Hut to Rt 11, then Manchester Center, SOBO AT mm 539.13 miles30′ gain, 1437′ loss The hurricane didn’t blow the hut away overnight. In fact, I’m sure it’d seen much, much worse. I put earplugs in, drowning out the sound of the wind. I went outside to pee around 1 am, finding just some drizzle and light wind. I’d overheard the other hikers comment about how cold it was but the weather page said it was still in the 60’s. I left the hut early in the morning wearing only my dress and was quite comfortable. My gratitude to the Bromley Ski Hut for being such a place of refuge. I hope I[…]

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AT Day 29: Henri

Sunday August 22nd, 2021, 0630-1615Bully Brook to Bromley Mountain Ski Hut, SOBO AT mm 536.122.3 miles5804 gain, 3937 loss So it was to be the second tropical system in less than a week. I was tempted to blame Vermont but it’s not a state’s fault that climate change is causing such extreme weather. Things would be deteriorating throughout the day and I had 22 miles to go to get to the ski hut atop Bromley mountain. I’d filed this place away in my mind last year as a spot I’d like to spend the night. Never did I think I’d be doing it in a hurricane. Henri was set to hit Connecticut and Massachusetts in the afternoon, then come my way[…]

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