AT Day 38: Deli Hopping
Tuesday August 31st, 2021, 0610-1745Riga Shelter to Cesar Brook Campsite, SOBO AT mm 709.322.1 miles4616 gain, 5476 loss We got an early start but had a lot of distractions again today. Technically, New Jersey is called the deli run part of the AT, but we’ve been making a lot of small town stops since Massachusetts. It’s so hard to stay focused on hiking miles, between the weather and towns. Sunrise at the shelter was nice as anticipated, then it was all downhill to Salisbury, a tiny town with a small grocery. I bought random things like naan and guacamole for breakfast. The trail in-between the next town was nice. There was an open meadow with a gorgeous view. There was also[…]
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