AT Day 3: Streams & Lakes
Tuesday July 27th, 2021, 0600-1650Rainbow Lake Dam to Antlers Campsite, SOBO AT mm 51.723.7 miles3140 gain, 3700 loss The bullfrogs sang all night, chanting me to sleep. It was so peaceful and quiet. There was surprisingly little condensation in the morning, a big plus considering my proximity to the lake. Then the most amazing thing happened…the sun rose right behind Katahdin, making it appear as though it was a volcano erupting. I’ve seen a lot of mountains and sunset\sunrises but this had to be in my top ten best of all time. I even woke up the other 2 ladies because I didn’t think they’d want to miss it. It was at 5:30 am. So I didn’t get as early[…]
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