Twig Adventures

AT Day 48: Summon the Rocks

Friday September 10th, 2021, 1230-1920Delaware Water Gap to 2 miles west of Wind Gap, PA, SOBO AT mm 914.617.6 miles3356 gain, 2241 loss I spent a large portion of the morning lounging in bed, working on my phone. I didn’t feel in too much of a hurry to get back on the trail. Housekeeping almost had to chase me out of the hotel room, as I hung there right until check-out. I had to go back to the church hostel to pack the rest of my things that were still all spread out. On the way, I stopped at the bakery to get a giant stack of strawberry shortcake. I was determined to eat the whole thing before departing town…[…]

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AT Day 47: Delaware Water Gap

Thursday September 9th, 2021, 0600-1750Yards Reservoir ridge tentsite to Delaware Water Gap, SOBO AT mm 89710 miles833 gain, 1867 loss Overnight, the rain started around 9 pm, just as forecasted. I could hear thunder well before. The lightning was pretty intense for a few hours and the rain was so hard that I got splashback and misting almost immediately. But my little tent held up considerably well…I had some leaking through the floor but rather minimal. I played around with the ground tarp before going to bed, trying to get the edges to fold up so that maybe it would prevent puddling. It sort of worked. I didn’t get the best sleep initially because it’s really hard to sleep through[…]

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AT Day 46: Just hiking

Wednesday September 8th, 2021, 0600-1750Mashipacong Shelter to ridge above Yards Reservoir, SOBO AT mm 887.127.4 miles4035 gain, 4022 loss With no more visits from friends scheduled, it was time to just hike all day. First I had to make a stop at the shelter privy that’s legendary for its pink interior. The picture says it all. It was a great experience. Well, of course there had to be at least one deli stop, too. This came early after my standard 10 by 10 am affair. I got a breakfast bagel at the Sandwich Lobby. Just before this there were some nice viewpoints, one at a large pavilion on Sunrise Mountain, where I did indeed admire the sunrise. Another was at[…]

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AT Day 45: A Jersey-tastic Day

Tuesday September 7th, 2021, 0600-1830Wawayanda Mt to Mashipacong Shelter, SOBO AT mm 859.627.5 miles5000 gain, 4820 loss Running from mosquitoes seemed to be the new normal each morning. As soon as I left my fortress, it was a race to get the tent packed and get moving before they woke up. At least I was very practiced at doing almost everything inside my tent. I was going to be passing through a lot of low and boggy areas all morning, so I was prepared to do battle. I gave in down, spraying DEET on the backs of my legs at the start. I also wore my rain jacket to protect my upper body. As I came down from the hills[…]

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AT Day 44: Warwick Rest Stop

Monday September 6th, 2021, 0600-1700Wildcat Shelter to Wawayanda Mt, SOBO AT mm 83215.6 miles2848 gain, 2687 loss Mother nature was determined to keep the streams flowing and the mosquitoes biting. It rained hard starting around 1 am, the kind of rain that floods my tent floor. I had to get everything situated for the rain, letting in more mosquitoes while I deployed my rain flaps. Then I kept waking to check the status of water coming in. In spite of the deluge, my tent held up pretty well. What’s with this weather? It wasn’t even supposed to rain after midnight, according to the forecast. I wonder that I got better sleep the night before during the rave. At least I[…]

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AT Day 43: The Rave

Sunday September 5th, 2021, 0600-1700Stream past Bear Mountain to Wildcat Shelter, SOBO AT mm 816.324.6 miles6730 gain, 6355 loss It was a night of crazy noise. The katydids and crickets went off at dusk but unfortunately they weren’t enough to drown out the rave from what sounded like a nearby amphitheater. Booming techno and reggaeton music permeated the air starting around midnight. It felt like I was vibrating on my Thermarest at times, it was that loud. I have no idea what kind of sound system it was or how it was powered in the middle of nowhere but it was impressive. Some animal crashed through the woods near me, making strange grunts…maybe a deer? It sounded annoyed and I[…]

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AT Day 42: Bear Mountain NY

Saturday September 4th, 2021, 0600-1800Canopus Creek to stream past Bear Mountain, SOBO AT mm 791.722.3 miles5364 gain, 5433 loss It was another fun and action-packed day in New York. A lovely and quiet morning greeted us, filled with the gentle and soothing hoots of great horned owls. It was easy to forget that we were so close to major cities. My shoes and socks had dried some and my feet were feeling a lot better, so I was loathe to get them wet again when we came to our first water crossing 5 minutes in. I decided to try my luck using my camp shoes…maybe I could prolong the dry shoes all day. My bet paid off…there were no more[…]

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AT Day 41: Nuclear Lake

Friday September 3rd, 2021, 0605-1800Telephone Pioneers Shelter to Canopus Creek, SOBO AT mm 769.525.2 miles plus 1 mile to and from the deli5167 gain, 5302 loss The day started cool enough for me to put my puffy on while I packed. But I took all layers off before I began hiking, knowing there was a small immediate climb. I passed a feature called Nuclear Lake just as the sun came over the ridge. It was pretty. The names comes from when a plutonium research facility was located on the shoreline. I didn’t drink the water. Mid morning, we walked half a mile down a road to get breakfast sandwiches at a deli. We really wanted pizza but the pizza place[…]

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AT Day 40: Coming Out After the Storm

Thursday September 2nd, 2021, 0825-1800RT 341 to Telephone Pioneers Shelter, SOBO AT mm 744.421.6 miles5341 gain, 4820 loss The rain came down heavy all night but I stayed dry and warm in a real bed. It stopped early in the morning and we were eager to get out of the stuffy hotel room and back on the trail. The news on TV was all bad…the storm had caused a lot of damage throughout the country, with flooding and tornados in the Northeast. More than 10 people had died in NYC from drowning in basement apartments. Up to 7 inches of rain had come down. Just terrible events which made our predicament seem so trivial. Maybe the trail would be impassable[…]

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AT Day 39: Ida

Wednesday September 1st, 2021, 0540-1000Cesar Brook Campsite to RT 341, then Kent, SOBO AT mm 72313.6 miles3091 gain, 3494 loss We all got a really early start to beat the rain to town. We should have walked more miles the day before while the weather was nice but the next campsite was over 4 miles away and it was already fairly late when we stopped. Stealth camping is not allowed from MA through NJ, and we’ve been doing our best to stay at official campsites. So we made up the miles in the dark. Picky was off first at 0510 am. He can pack so quickly and quietly, I envy his efficiency. I was off 30 minutes later, noticing another tent[…]

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