BMT Day 11: Smoky Beaches
Saturday, May 11th, 2024, 0650-1810Fontana Hilton to Chambers Creek 98, mm 222.626.7 miles, Gain: 4340′, Loss: 4420′, elevation 1745′ It was a big mistake pitching my tent so near the bathroom. Between the noise of people coming and going and the horrendous stench much of the night, I didn’t sleep very well. Yet I also heard the dogs barking intermittently down at the shelter, so I was glad I didn’t stay there either. I guess all options were bad. I should have just kept hiking a ways into the Smokies, permits be damned. Not surprisingly, I got packed quickly and was the first hiker out of there. So long AT comrades…in 2 days I’d gotten my fill of them (yet I[…]
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